My photo
a utopist, a green, a free soul, a liberal, a young (well let's say 'a new' rather than 'young') mother, a rebel, a thinker, a smiler, a wonderer, a note, a butterfly, a rainbow, a nymph, a kite, a wave, a breeze from the sea, a purple soul, a chocolate-addict, a lover...

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


Biz kizimiza Ada ismini verirken, Ada isminin Turkiye'de populer bi isim oldugunun/olacaginin farkinda degildik. Ada hem ingilizce hem de Turkce olan bir isim. Turkcedeki anlami malum, ingilizcede de 'asil ve mutlu demek' ve telaffuzu biraz da farkli Turkce okunusundan. Biz kizimiza ismini verirken Ada'nin TR'de populer bir isim oldugunun farkinda degildik. Ama gorunen o ki durum boyle: kizimin bircok 'ada'ş'i olacak :)

Delfi on the way to the yacht trip in Foca, trying on her cousin's hat
Did you know that Ada is both an English and Turkish name? In Turkish it means 'island'. The concept of island is important for us. Because Damien is from an island, I am from a -let's say- half island (peninsula) and we met on an island :) In English, it means 'noble and happy'. When I gave birth to Delfina Ada, I felt like a dolphin came out of me, that's why I named her 'Delfina' which means female dolphin in Italian. And Damien named her Turkish name Ada with the inspiration he got from his students. I wasn't aware that Ada has become a fashionable name among Turks recently but it looks like it is the case :)


  1. Ahaa so now I know the meaning of the name, thank you for the explanation :))

    Well I have to say that Miss Delfina Ada is ADORABLE. I just wanna give her a big hug :)

  2. Kelimelerle oynamayı hep sevmişsindir zaten..Başlığa bakan bile anlayabilir bunu :)Şu pamuk kızının kollarına bayılıyorum :)öptüm ikinizi de .

  3. Akşam yukardaki yorumu yazdıktan sonra.. ' I would be a 'word'man , better than a 'bird' man diye biten bir şiir yazdığını hatırladım Esracım:).. Remember?

  4. My dear Hamdi, you know you just gotta visit us in Istanbul again :) Lotsa hugs provided ;)
    Serpil Hocam, harikasiniz! Daha ne diyebilirim ki? 15 yil once ogrencisinin yazdigi bir seyi hatirlayan kac olaganustu ogretmen olabilir ki!
    Ortakoy'e gelirseniz kizimi ve tombis kollarini gorebilirsiniz ve edebiyatin dibine vurabiliriz yine ;) O kadar uzun zaman oldu ki gorusmeyeli, hasret kaldim :) sevgiler


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